3 Ways Churches Benefit From Church Announcement Videos
Some house of worship leaders can’t imagine going through a period without video announcements…don’t you think they’re on to something? Indeed, you have to consider whether video announcements are right in the context of your congregation – but we can pretty much guarantee that you and your superiors will start to notice the disadvantages of NOT having video announcements once the benefits are thoroughly explained.
Green Screen Talent Now consists of a team of experts in delivering professional spokesperson videos, and we’d like to key you in on three critical ways church announcement videos can benefit any house of worship.
1. Video Announcements Turn Services Into Something Stimulating
Every church service seems to boast three elements that are universally shared: Worship, message and announcements. When you really think about it, which of these stands out as the least glamorous and most neglected? Announcements, without doubt. Indeed, leaders of worship and pastors prepare their messages and worship sets meticulously, but announcements usually get thrown together last-minute usually by an associate pastor or volunteer…and end up being executed poorly.
Announcements are already the least-exciting part of church services, but when they drag on longer than they need to be, they become even more of a nuisance in the eyes of the congregation. Video announcements will fix these problems for you – first, we recommend limiting announcements to around three minutes (often considered the “sweet spot” for congregation attention spans) and also suggest rehearsing them until they’re just right. Green Screen Talent Now delivers church announcement videos in a professional package that is visually engaging and pleasing to watch.
Keep in mind that most church announcements struggle in one of three areas: Length, delivery or content. Using video announcements works in all three of these sectors.
2. Video Announcements Instantly Raise Your Church’s Level of Excellence and Production
If you are even remotely tech-savvy you know that our current culture is conditioned to engage and interact with what’s on a screen, not on paper, and your congregation is probably no different. The hardest part of church services is sitting and listening to people talking with no visual aid for long periods of time, so using elements that people are familiar with and are conditioned to engage with just makes sense.
Breaking this down further, announcements shouldn’t be just a second thought scribbled on a piece of paper for the pastor to “get out of the way” before he delivers his message; by putting no emphasis or value on your church’s announcements, you’re ultimately suggesting to your congregation that announcements are mere afterthoughts…and should be an afterthought to them.
3. Video Announcements Make People PAY ATTENTION
Not only do people pay better attention when announcements are delivered in video form, they process information and remember it better as well. Instead of watching your congregation tune out during announcements – which contain valuable information from the church – use video announcements to help members consume, process and recall information better.
Some of the most important information communicated during your church service is done so through announcements – consider upcoming events, important dates and times and pertinent church info to share. To be honest, this information is useless if no one actually retains it all; it seems no matter how many times something is said from the stage during announcements, people always forget it.
Yet when a screen talks – people listen. We’re not saying you should overload your already overloaded congregation and bombard them with video and digital tidbits from every direction…but when it comes to your church’s most important information, harnessing the power of well-produced videos for your announcements will help ensure that you’re witnessing fewer of the conversations forgotten.
You will find, over time, that members of your own congregation will come up to the church’s superiors and explain how much video announcements have changed their perception of attending worship sessions.