Video Marketing Strategy
No matter what the product or service you’re selling (or promoting), video should always be considered – don’t think of technology as a “hurdle” any longer, instead think of it as an element that must be fully embraced and utilized for your ultimate success. The truth of the matter is undeniable: Video marketing WORKS. But how do you integrate video into your overall marketing strategy…and make the most of your Video Marketing Strategy?
Video Marketing Tips
1. Know Exactly What the Goal of Your Video Will Be
Setting clear goals, like in any business venture, is a paramount first step. As the first of our video marketing tips, you want to identify your business objectives and craft a clear plan of action; indeed, when you set out to create a video marketing strategy, the road ahead always seems very long and quite daunting…but take your time to ensure you simplify it down to the key objective for your campaign, and you’ll soon find yourself with a much clearer vision. Think about what it is you want to do: Is it generating exposure? Increasing your conversion rate? Reducing your bounce rate? Increasing brand engagement? It could very well be a combination of a few of these or all of them, but it is vital you focus on one area at a time and plan your strategy around each of the “cogs” that will turn the “wheel.”
2. Put Into Place a Plan to Measure the Success of Your Video
What do we mean by this? Let’s say, for example, you are looking to generate exposure. There is no better way to do this today than a video that happens to go viral – and while this is always easier said than done, video sharing sites get millions of hits a day that can help you reach the big time. There are so many videos out there that go viral from day one, boasting one Tweet per second in the first 10 hours and one million viewers after only 36 hours…how about that for brand exposure? You see, because you have poured so much time and effort into your video marketing strategy, you have to ensure it’s working the way you need it to – this is what we mean by “measuring the success” of your video and how it has formulated to become part of our video marketing tips. Many video platforms offer detailed metrics to help measure and track the overall effectiveness of strategies, so the first step for you is to determine which are the most important to analyze and then choose the appropriate platform.
3. Be Sure to Reach YOUR Audience to Ensure Success
A vital part of video marketing strategy – and another of our vital video marketing tips – is to look at the channels that can connect quickly to YOUR audience – by now, we don’t have to tell you the wonders of YouTube and other video sharing sites including Vimeo, Google Video, Metacafe and Facebook, all of which have the potential to engage a worldwide audience of millions with your brand…you should be looking to these when marketing to a specific audience.
4. Have a Clear Call-to-Action
Video plays a vital role in your overall content marketing strategy, as we have been discussing, with channels like YouTube rising in popularity and taking a front row seat in social media marketing news. But there are mistakes that are often made when posting video on, say, a blog, with one of them being neglecting to include a “call-to-action” (or CTA). Don’t let this happen to you when preparing a strategy in video for marketing, video ads, online advertising, online marketing, video marketing, video optimization, video production or video SEO. Consider:
- Editing CTAs directly into your video
- Including annotations (pop ups)
- Encompassing YouTube ad “overlays” to link anywhere on the web
- Checking out sites like Viewbix that offer integration options such as CTAs, links to maps, photos, Twitter feeds and more
At the end of the day, the crucial element to think about is planning…having a plan separates the smart online marketing and online advertising gurus from the novices. Green Screen Talent Now can help your company or organization reduce your video production costs saving you tons of money that can be used on marketing strategies for your next video. Green Screen Talent Now is a subsidiary company of Multiverse Media Group the experts in marketing the gets results.