We’ve Just Launched The Coolest Video Service Ever! Seriously!
So, we don’t like to brag, but we’re going to have to on this one. After a bit of Beta testing, we are launching a cool new service we’re calling “Spokesperson Video Virtual Director” service. What does this mean exactly? Glad you asked…
So, we’re a spokesperson video company, as you know. We produce videos that are cost effective and fairly “hands off” for our clients. You go to the website, browse for an actor, then fill out and order form and we do the rest. Most of you probably already know that and if not, now you do.
However, more and more these days, we’re getting digital agencies, small video production companies, ad agencies, marketing companies and more that know what they want, but simply don’t have the resources to set-up a studio or coordinate with large amounts of actors like we do.
Over time, we started receiving feedback from these type of professionals that while they loved our service, they missed the ability to be able to “be on set” or “direct” their shoot. So, here’s what we came up with…
Introducing: Spokesperson Video Virtual Director Service
So, while there are a lot of technical things behind the scenes that make this possible, the core of this service is really easy.
We setup a private audio and video web stream that’s on a password protected page that only you have access to. What this means is that you will be able to see and hear the entire shoot as it happens. Additionally, you’ll be able to “direct” by telling us what you need or would like from the talent and crew by either a chat or a phone conference.
What this means for you is you get to have the creative and technical control you want and need without all of the hassle and typically large budget expenses of full studio rental productions. Instead, you get all the cost and management benefits of a spokesperson video company with the ability to control what you need to.
We hope that you find this solution as useful as our other clients have. Please visit out Virtual Director Service page to learn more and to add it to your next order.
Micha McLain
(904) 425-8678
Technical Director