Ever consider what kind of impact video marketing can have on your business’ web presence and rankings? Perhaps it’s time to start…and here’s why: Smart marketers have been absolutely killing it with video marketing for quite some time. From that first grainy commercial to the latest viral YouTube hit, inspiring and creative marketers have been channeling the power of video to great advantage.
According to research conducted by the well-respected Forrester organization, watching a one-minute video has the equivalent impact of reading 1.8 million words – and that translates to approximately 3600 web pages! So, if a picture is worth a thousand words…what is the value of video? We believe it to be in the millions…millions of viewers, millions of shares and millions of dollars. As the power of video continues to exponentially increase, so does its importance to marketing entities.
Video Marketing Attracts Your “Visual Consumers”
Now are you beginning to get an idea of why video marketing is such a powerful tool? We are visual creatures, and according to Mind Tools over 65-percent of the population are visual LEARNERS.
What’s more, consumers today, as you should know, are busier than ever and have been redefining what it means to be “on the go;” the brain processes visual images 60,000 times faster than text because 40-percent of all nerve fibers in the brain are connected to the retina…thus modern populations desire visual stimulus more than ever and faster than ever.
Speaking Frankly…
In today’s technology-driven world and society – it’s downright amazing to learn that new social media platforms pop up on a regular basis due to sheer demand – a strong web/Internet presence must be an essential piece of your business success puzzle. We realize that you’ve probably heard this from us, as well as from others around you, countless times…but we have to keep repeating the fact that an overwhelming majority of businesses and consumers rely on the Internet to research products and services, and to also help them make (for the most part) informed purchasing decisions.
The bottom line is that if your clientele can’t find you on the Internet, a disastrous situation can occur to your business considering today’s ultra-competitive, online-centric world.
Customer Engagement
Your goal here should be to get more targeted visitors to clients’ websites so their businesses can grow. The problem is, every time clients with small businesses, such as yourself, turn around, they’re faced with technological advancements and new online platforms that promise to be the “sliced bread” of customer engagement and Internet marketing magic…
Of course, from your perspective, who has the time to actually keep up with these changes? Your business is offering quality products and services to your customer base and there are only so many hours in a day to dedicate to web presence management. Let’s now take a look at what’s behind building a stronger web presence without making it too complicated in the midst of your hectic schedule.
Web Presence Optimization
Going far beyond merely slapping together a website and setting up a Twitter or Facebook account, building a modern business presence on the Internet requires asking yourself a few questions: Where does your target market spend their online time? Do all of your Internet and social media properties, if you do boast some, have consistent branding?
As a small business owner, it is vital to understand that optimizing your web presence equates to understanding not only what technologies and platforms your target demographic naturally aspire to and use, but also how to most effectively use those tools to connect with future prospective customers.
The following must be taken into consideration when building a strong and consistent web presence:
• Do your social profiles match your business website’s color scheme and tone?
• Are you speaking your prospective clients’ “language”?
• Do you offer a consistent brand experience?
Now, we can talk about how video marketing ties into all of this…
Video Should be a Vital Component of Your Web Presence
Take it from us: Video marketing, development and optimization can have one of the biggest impacts on the success of your small business today. Indeed, it has been said that an image is worth a thousand words…but we believe a video is worth a thousand images. The key is learning how to develop videos – from concept to completion – and understanding how and where to present those videos to your potential customers, as this is super-important.
You see, even to those with a basic knowledge of contemporary business marketing, it is an accepted fact that a visible online presence is crucial to achieving sustainable success. Aspects of web presence marketing, such as CRM, social media marketing and the use of video-on-demand, help businesses to actively target a high volume of local customers while interacting with them in real-time and when they are most engaged with the brand.
GSTN Fun Fact: Online video production will account for more than one-third of all online advertising spending within the next five years.
The power of online video marketing is continuing to grow, as you should have ascertained already, for merchants and consumers, and by engaging in online video marketing you can strengthen your traditional Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts by driving traffic to your website and generating a surge in better informed and more qualified clients.
Video and SEO
How is online video beneficial for better SEO placement and building a stronger web presence exactly? By posting multiple videos across video-sharing platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo, you can increase your potential to reach new clients, which in turn helps your site rank higher in web searches…it’s as simple as that. We often tell clients that this is one of the strongest elements video marketing has to offer…and if you really think about it, this tactic makes sense.
When viewers locate your videos on YouTube, for example, they can be directly linked to your company’s website, which is chock full of more information and additional videos. By providing detailed information and videos on your website, you are getting visitors to your online portal and actually keeping them there longer.
Take this into consideration as we wrap up: With high conversion rates, improved SEO placement and a stronger web presence, isn’t it quite difficult to ignore the awesome benefits of online video marketing?